Custom Logo Package

Carry the prestige of being named one of Computerworld’s Best Places to Work in IT to your marketing materials. Make it personal by customizing it with your company name and rank or that you made it to the Top Ten in your category. Licenses are granted for a one-year period. Automatic download of the logo files are available with payment by credit card. All print licenses include a vector file in eps format. Digital licenses include a web-ready png file. Logo License is under strict embargo until 6 a.m. ET on November 27, 2023.

Let’s Get Started!

Review license usage options below to choose the option that best fits your marketing and advertising goals. Read and click to agree to License & Usage Guidelines. Click the Update Proof button to review and approve your custom logo and click Add to Cart button and proceed to checkout.

Digital Marketing Package:

Includes both horizontal and vertical logos (website, commerce site, social media, presentations, email blasts, etc.)

Print and Digital Marketing Package:

Includes both horizontal and vertical logos (brochures, pamphlets, letterhead, banners, posters, and electronic marketing)

I Agree to the License and Usage Guidelines *


Logo Agreement: When purchasing this package, you agree to the terms in the logo agreement below: By entering this agreement to use the Computerworld Best Places to Work in IT logo you confirm that your company is an award recipient of Computerworld Best Places to Work in IT. You agree to pay the appropriate licensing fees for such usage. You agree to a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to reprint the contracted logo (or logos) in appropriate media including business cards, letterhead, your company website, marketing collateral, and advertising campaigns. You agree not to use the logos in any way other than as specified in these guidelines. You agree to not alter the logo(s) in any way as to change its appearance. You agree to not use the logo publicly before the publication date of Decemner 13, 2022. Failure to comply with these instructions shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. This Agreement is valid for one (1) year from the date of purchase. A renewed agreement is required to continue to use the logos thereafter. You can use the logos on your website in static form or as a live link to If signor chooses to post the logos as a live link, the link must be directed back to your company’s profile page on The signor will include the following copyright line with the logos whenever space allows: Computerworld is a registered trademark of Foundry, an IDG, Inc. Company.



Passwords require one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.

If you experience any problems with login or registration please contact us for assistance.